27.12. - Today our sweet JCH Francis z Krve Orthosovy gave birth 3 beautiful puppies - 2 females and 1 male.
Proud father is Multi CH Menine's Yoda birth in Sweden.
Francis z Krve Orthosovy Menine's Yoda
3.12. - Club Show MKSK in Brno
Judge Mr. Tomas Kucera
C.I.B. Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - honour class to 2,5 kg - Ex 1
C.I.B. Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - honour class to 2,5 kg - Ex 1
Fleur d'Amour Noblesse charm - open class to 2,5 kg - VG 2
Comtesse de Pompadour - open class to 2,5 kg - Ex 2, res. CAC
I am very happy at Club Show came to show 4 owner of my offspring. All 4 dog-girls were in partnership with their owners, they are not afraid of anything and they performed beautifully on their first show. I would like to thank you all of them for the love and care they give my puppies.
Chiquita Chiara z Krve Orthosovy - youth class up 2,5 kg - Very promissing 1 (owner Miss Zuzana Macurova)
Chic Cheyenne z Krve Orthosovy - youth class up 2,5 kg - Very promissing 2 (owner Mrs. Zdenka Stihlova)
Chéri Charlotte z Krve Orthosovy - youth class up 2,5 kg - Very promissing 3 (owner Mrs. Pavlína Tkadlecova)
(I'm sorry, that could win just one - super were all)
Hope Hillary z Krve Orthosovy - junior class up 2,5 kg - VG 2 (owner Miss Kristyna Uhrova)
The judge was generally very strict, he did not hesitate to award VD, but most of all I regret the result of Hillary Hope, which is a very beautiful girl and she got VD only thought that she is thin. It is true that she was not in optimum condition, she had been ill shortly before the show and a lot of lost weight. I am convinced that it will be better next time ...
6.11. - Club show Exotic - Kněževes
Judge Mr. Tapie Eerola (FIN)
Comtesse de Pompadour - class winners up 2,5 kg- Excellent 1, CAC
Fleur d'Amour Noblesse charm - class open to 2,5 kg - Excellent 1
5.11. - Our vixen Hope Hillary today went to her new home in Kolin. Her new owner will go in for agility. :-)
29. - 30.10. - IDS Praha
Saturday - Judge Mr. Istvan Csik (HU)
Comtesse de Pompadour - class open up 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC
Fleur d'Amour Noblesse charm - class open to 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC
Beatrice z Motýlího domu - class puppy up 2,5 kg - Very promising 1 (our Benjamin's daughter, owners man and wife Klír - Congratulations!)
Sunday - Judge Viera Vítková (SK)
Comtesse de Pompadour - class open up 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC
Fleur d'Amour Noblesse charm - class open to 2,5 kg - Excellent 2, res. CAC
Amorek Kerský chlupáč - intermediate class up 2,5 kg -Excellent 2, res. CAC (our Benjamin's son - Congratulatios to owners!)
Beatrice z Motýlího domu, our Benjamin's daughter - class puppy up 2,5 kg - Very promising 1 - both days (owners man and wife Klír) Congratulations!! And many thanks for pictures.
26.10. - Puppies from kennel Motýlek z Nevady, 4 our Benjamin's sons (mother Freika Motýlek z Nevady) are 16 days old. They are cute! :-)
15.10. - Club show KChMPP in Mlada Boleslav
Judge Mrs. Gabriela Ridarcikova (SK)
Comtesse de Pompadour - class open up 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC
Fleur d'Amour Noblesse charm - class open to 2,5 kg - Excellent 2, res. CAC
10.10. - Today Freika Motýlek z Nevady gave birth 4 beautiful males (kennel Motýlek z Nevady - owner Alena Hippmannova). Father is our Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy. Congratulation!
9.10. - IDS České Budějovice
Judge paní Olga Dolejšová
Comtesse de Pompadour - class open up 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC
Comtesse has fulfilled all requested conditions and received the title Champion of Czech Republic
28.9. - Chiquita Chiara, who lives in Znojmo, is really sweet baby. :-)
20.9. - Little Chic Cheyenne is no longer small and grows into beauty.. :-)
16.9. - Sweet Garrett :-)
8.9. - Our Hero Hank had lovely holiday :-)
28.8. - Chéri Charlotte - I got beautiful pictures of her new home. Beautiful life! :-)
11.8. - At last Chiquita Chiara left to new home with nice garden. In the new home one papillon female wait for her. :-) I hope we will meet somewhere on show. :-)
9.8. - Today our honey Chic Cheyenne left to her new home in Ostrava. In the new home one papillon male and cats wait for her. I belive her life will be beautiful.
15.7. - Our girl Chocolate Charlie left to her new home - neighbourhood of Zatec. I hope she will bring only pleasure to her new owner ...
7.7. - Another our puppy - female Chiméra Chloe - is going to her new home to Prague. I hope I will meet her from time to time. Now she will use the homely name Kačenka. Good luck!
2.7. - Club show MKŠK inv Chlumci nad Cidlinou
Judge Mrs. Olga Dolejšová
Fleur d'Amour Noblesse charm - Ex 1, CAC
Hope Hillary z Krve Orthosovy - Very promising 1
Comtesse de Pompadour - Ex 2, res. CAC
Benjamin's son Amorek Kerský chlupáč (in the middle) received in intermediate class up 2,5 kg evaluation Ex 1, CAC. Congratulation!
(Thank to Mrs. Vlaďka Bartošová and Mrs. Nikola Hanušová for the photos)
30.6. - Chéri Charlotte is leaving to her new home in Krusne hory. I wish her and her new owners a lot of great joint experiences.
I think we will meet sometime on show. :-)
30.6 - At last minute portraits of females of litter CH. Today they are starting to leave to their new homes. (father is C.I.B. Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy, mother CH Daschenka de Pompadour)
29.6. - Our amazing females from litter CH (Dascheka + Benjamin) - the playing in the garden
24.6. - Now Francis is officially healthy. Her leg is like new. Thank you. Mr. MVDr. Bednar! Finally Francesca is enjoying the summer in the garden.
30.5. - In breeding kennel Modrásek z Ráje (owner Petra Richterova) female Eminence Pipa Hrabovský ráj and our Benjamin gave birth 3 beautiful puppies. Congratulation! :-)
20.5. - Oh no. Our sweet Francis had injury - dislocated hip. Today morning she underwent surgery. I am sad. I hope all it will be good...
5.5. - Today our Daschenka gave birth 5 beautiful puppies - 5 females. Father is our C.I.B. Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy. I am very happy - they are very promised. :-)
26.4. - Today female Isaria de Pompadour (CHS Krásný motýl, owner MVDr. Veronika Podracká) gave birth 3 beautiful puppies - 2 female and male. Father is our Benjamin. I am very happy. :-)
24.4. - Today female Keissy Mária Sirrah (Kennel z Motýlího domu, owner Mr. and Mrs. Klír) gave birth 2 beautiful puppies - female Beatrice (128 g) and male Bastien (168 g). Father is our Benjamin. I am very happy. :-)
21.4. - Today our sweet male Geronimo went to his new home near Olomouc. Now he is completely healthy after heart surgery and I regarded it as a small miracle. I wish him the great life.
16.4. - Club show MKŠK - Prague
judge Mrs. Maja Korošec (SLO)
Francis z Krve Orthosovy - intermediate to 2,5 kg - Ex. 1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB :-)
Comtesse de Pompadour - class open to 2,5 kg - Ex. 2, res. CAC
Mamba Anée - veteran class to 2,5 kg - Ex. 1
Big success - I am very satisfied :-)
Congratulation to son of our Benjamin - young male Amorek Kerský chlupáč (on right) - cllas young - Ex. 1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner! :-)
12.4. - Good news! Our Daschenka is pregnant. We were at ultrasound scan. We expect puppies in the beginning of May.
mother CH Daschenka de Pompadour, father C.I.B. Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy
10.4. - I would like to thank to clinic AA-Vet in Prague, especially cardiologist MVDr. Karel Najman and surgeon MVDr. Hanus Velebny. They have successfully conducted a large operation of heart of our Geronimo.
We had to decide whether to operate or not. After finding that the operation not only saves Geronimo's life, but to make him completely healthy dog with no further consequences and difficulties, we decided positively. I am so glad we said yes - after a week Geronimo is doing much better. :-) I hope that after the necessary convalescence he will find nice home.
Neither he nor any of his prettier brothers will continue breeding - I too am afraid of heredity. I hope that Geronimo will have a long and happy life. Thank you, Mr. Najman.
9.4. - Today our tearaway male Hero Hank went to his new home. I wish her the nice and active life. :-) (Hero Hank is on left in the picture)
4.4. - Last week our Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy mated 2 beautiful females:
Eminence Pipa Hrabovský ráj (owner Mrs. Petra Richterova)
Jeanette Ája Marestel (owner Mrs. Lenka Milichovska, CHS Andelsky motyl)
22.3. - Today our sweet girl Honey Henriette went to her new home near Beroun. I wish her the great life and her owners a lot of experience with papillon. :-)
12.3. - Litter H - 7 weeks
Honey Henriette z Krve Orthosovy
8.3. - Today our honey - the boy Geronimo went to his new family near Hradec Kralove. I wish him the marvelous life and his owners the good friend. :-)
1.3. - In the second part of February our Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy mated 3 beautiful females:
C.I.B. Bright Barby Night Dream (owner Mrs. Jana Folovska, Kennel: Alsior)
Keissy Mária Sirrah (owners Mrs. and Mr. Klir, Kennel: z Motýlího domu)
Isaria de Pompadour (owner MVDr. Veronika Podracka, Kennel: Krásný motýl)
And now I can just look forward to beautiful puppies. :-)
15.2. - Today our Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy officially received the title IINTERNATIONAL BEAUTY CHAMPION - C.I.B. I am very proud of him. He is my honey. <3
11.2. - Puppies from litter H (23rd day of life) - the first feeding! :-D
30.1. - New pictures of litter H. Puppies are 12 days old.
29.1. - Today our boys Gimli and Great Gatsby went to their new homes. Gimli live in Barrandov with his owner-girl 10 years old. Great Gatsby live in Prague 4 with his family. I wish them the superb life. :-)
19.1. - We have got new puppies after mother Comtesse de Pompadour and father Eliot Eyron Cembra (litter H)- two females and one male. Great will to life!
14.1. - New pictupes of litter G (7 wekks old)